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关于Nagra SD和Lotoo L300(附官方回信)

发表于 2011-10-17 21:38 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式 来自 山东省济南市
最近坛子里nagra sd很火,正好我以前曾打算买nagra lb,了解过一些,当时有人就告诉我说:nagra lb是国内公司Lotoo贴牌生产的.....这次会不会是呢?我决定一探究竟~

我先找到了Lotoo公司的网站,果然有一款产品外观上和nagra sd很像,型号是L300.但到底是不是同一个东西呢?于是我决定给nagra发封邮件。没想到nagra员工都闲着没事干,刚发不久就收到了回信.....我把邮件贴到下面,具体结论大家自己得吧~

The NAGRA-SD is assembled by the same company as the Lotoo but the internal electronics microphone preamplifiers, software and features are different. The NAGRA SD has interchangeable microphones (Mono, Omni-directional and Cardioid as well as stereo). The NAGRA SD is fully tested and measured in Switzerland prior to being sold. The NAGRA SD offers certain features that the Lotoo does not. I am not very familiar with the Lotoo as it is only sold in China and is not available outside China.

笔耕翻译组 garyvictor(鬼鬼) 译
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