koss-fan 发表于 2010-3-23 02:35


最近一直在head-fi上游荡,鸟语不好,看着很费劲。老外的毒文写得比国内IT网站的评测文章还严谨,实在佩服。屏幕上出现次数最多的是Little Dot和Audio-GD,真火!昨天看到一篇文章的回帖,有点意思,转过来大家看看。

First there are two types of headphone listeners: multitaskers, and isolationists (serious listeners.) I'm an isolationist. I listen in a dead silent room with my eyes shut. My advice is for those serious listeners. Multitaskers, just use ipod earbuds and be done with it, cause there is no way you can understand

When I first got into headphones I made the same mistake as the OP. Let me tell you new folks. Spend your money to DECIDE what headphones you like best. Drive them with your soundcard. Buy a pair of HD600's, K701's, Grado 225's, etc. Decide which flavor you percieve to be to your liking. Then build your amp and DAC to match the headphones.

To many old timers want to put the cart before the horse when giving advice to newbies. The fact is that the greatest difference in sound comes from the headphones. You simply must decide which house flavor you like best first. Don't be a dumb-A like me and build a $2000 system around 300 ohm Senns and then listen to Grados for the first time out of an ipod and fall in love!

Goes like this : decide on the headphone (sell the ones you didn't like on Head-fi), build a Soha II amp for $200, buy the best most expensive DAC you can afford. Then start saving for a high end amp. Then maybe buy your fav companies flagship headphones.


我初烧耳机的时候和OP(the OP可能是指另一网友)犯过一样的错误。让我告诉你们这些新手,用钞票来决定你最喜欢什么耳机。 购入一个HD600, K701, Grado 225等等,用你的声卡来驱动。用你感受到的(各种)风格来决定你的喜好。然后根据你的耳机再建立二房、解码系统。


这么做:先决定耳机(卖掉你不喜欢的),花200美刀入一台Soha II 耳放,再入一台你买得起的最贵的解码,然后再存钱上一台high end耳放,然后再入你喜欢的牌子的旗舰耳机。
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